Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy Bee's!

Well, the title says it all. Busy! All the time. Tj has been working a lot this week, (including today) its been a blessing on the money side, but sad on the "being together side". Aiden and I are heading out on Tues for 3 weeks, so that kinda makes him working a lot even worse. That long away from the hubs again is...well....i dont want to think about it! :/ Its bittersweet. As much as I want to be with my family and friends, I also want my hubby there too. Oh well, hopefully next time. Trips are just so expensive... 
Please keep Aiden and I in your prayers during our flights. Flying can be fun, I used to love it, but with a little (almost) 2 year old that fun...turns into stress. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. I get so tense. So just pray for safety, my nerves, for patience and understanding for both of us. Thanks friends. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gary Allan concert!

It was so awesome! I haven't been to a concert in quite some time so it was nice to finally be in that rush of craziness! Being a performer must be one of the best experiences! I would just love to be on stage every night, crowds screaming, loud music :) So fun!!!!!

After the concert I kinda snuck to the back by the buses and then i kinda got on the bus and kinda met Gary Allan and his entire band! HA! It was awesome!!!!!!!! These guys we're so nice. Rach and I got to hang out with them for a while and we just had a blast.

It's hard sometimes to forget that the people we view as famous are just regular people. They go through the same things we do, they have families, they have feelings, they are real. We forget, they are doing their job, a job they LOVE I'm sure, but there is so much more to their lives than just performing on a stage for us. I will never look at a celebrity the same. 

I love Gary Allan, he is such a talented artist, but my eyes were stuck to Jaime Hanna most of the night :) He is in the band for Gary, and what a talented guy he is! I looked up some of his music and he is pretty dang good! If he ever has a solo act, i will be following him!!! 

The concert was amazing, the after party for 4 hours on the bus was even more amazing :) Such a great group of guys and so much fun!!!! :)

Here are a few pictures:

Me with Jaime Hanna!!! =)

The four of us girls!
Us girls with CJ
Rachel, our new friends Ciera and Kayla, Me and Jaime Hanna
Rachel & me with Jaime Hanna
Rachel & Me with Levi

Jaime Hanna & Gary Allan
Gary Allan
Jaime Hanna =) I was so LOVIN that Kilt! 

Me and Rachel on our way to the concert!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I finally ventured into the skype world when i realized just how awesome it was. Jordan was over the other day (well most days) but this particular day we were talking to Joe who is in South Korea on Skype :) I was so fascinated by the entire situation i knew i had to get in the world. So i did. The Skype world that is. Thankfully we have a computer, a mac, its amazing, but its older so we needed to get a camera for it. It was a rough two day process but finally tonight we got it working! I talked to my best friend and my heart was SOOOO happy! It was so good to see her beautiful i was talking to i was there!!! The technology these days just blows me away!!!! So Trey, my cousin who is stationed in Japan has skype, soon our times will match up so we can talk and on that day my heart will be SOOOOOO filled with joy, i just might explode! Its been too long since ive talked to him and i am looking forward to it! I'll be traveling with aiden back to pensacola in a couple weeks so im going to get my parents all set up on Skype too, so we can all chat and see each other ALL the time! I just wish i would have done this sooner! HAPPY DAY!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is my prayer

Give me strength God, when i dont see what you have in store for us, it seems so far off. You know, you have the whole plan. Help me to trust you. Im stuck,we are stuck...where do we move from here. Help me be humble. Help me see that you have complete control. I want to trust you unconditionally. Put a smile back on my face, take the worry from my heart and my mind. Give me strength God. 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jerimiah 29:11

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I haven't updated in a while! Whats new in the O'Connors lives???? =)

I have been doing good on my weight loss :) It makes me happy! Im only 20 pounds away from my goal weight! I've lost 10 pounds just in the last couple weeks! Im feeling GOOD! It's so hard to lose weight and it takes MUCH discipline, but im determined this time more than ever to get rid of the fatness! 

We have been so busy lately with parties, get-to-togethers, weekend trips & random things going on all through the week. Today is a relaxing day...well morning, we are watching Lina this afternoon, and that is not considered relaxing! Between her and Aiden our house is a crazy disaster when they are done with it! Hopefully today will be an easy day. Jambalya for dinner! YUM! Its been quite some time since i made that and we are looking foward to it! 

Well, thats all i have for now! Love love love!

Hope you are all doing well!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I have so many things going around in my not sure how much a should put on here it goes!

I spent 3 nights in a row going out or partying, i must say its not fun. It may be fun while its happening, but consuming that much alcohol to entertain and keep my friends is not worth it to me. The next day after is depressing, all i do is think of how much people dont like me, everything thats wrong with me, how fat i am, im just so negative and not much fun. Every once in a while is okay with me, but i really dont see much enjoyment in it. I want to focus on other things. Making new friends is great, but if i only see those friends when i am out drinking/ much of a friend are they? So, not much drinking for me. I want to be with friends without alcohol and if thats not possible....then, friend.

Im doing good on my weight loss! Not sure how since i drank so much lately but i still didnt gain a pound! I have 16 more pounds until i get to my next goal. Hopefully once i am at that goal i will be happy with it.

I am trying to get my priorities in line. Once Im working and money is better we are going to get some credit cards paid off and then start putting money away for cosmetology school! YAAAY! I am so excited to FINALLY get started on my dream of being a hair dresser!!! :) Since i was a little girl its all i have wanted to do! 

Well, i guess this is a good enough update for now! love love love!

Monday, July 27, 2009

My big boy has reached the next step.

Toddler Bed. He is such a big boy. He climbed out of his crib and fell on Saturday, so now no more crib. Luckily we bought the crib that changes as the kid grows. So Tj transfered it into the toddler bed Saturday right after it happened. So far so good. He has only gotten out of bed once as soon as we put him down and then gets back in and goes to bed. I hope we are lucky through this and he doesnt have a hard time with the transition. 

Another new thing:

Curious George. He is absolutely in love with Curious George. Its the one movie that he will actually not get distracted in after 5 minutes. He loves it. I think George is the cutest little monkey ever so it works out well :) He carries around the case for the dvd all day. He always picks it out when its movie time. Its adorable!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i miss him :/

This is my cousin Trey. He is amazing. He is stationed in Japan right now in the marines. 

it will be 2 years until i see him again...i just really really miss him. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So tonight I was on the phone with my best friend discussing tattoos. I have been rather nervous because in the back of my mind i still was unsettled with the fact that Jesus may not be okay with it. So her and i got online did some research and found some things that really brought me to my final decision. I am SO GETTING A TATTOO. :)

I found some stuff in Leviticus and Romans that helped make my decision, and a really good article at So go check out the article, im not about to type all that in! The website also helped me with a lot of the other issues i have been dealing with since i left my "pentecostal religion" and decided to start following Christ in a way i could understand. I am super excited about so many things and i finally have a better understanding of pretty much everything that i have been lacking in. 

So my tattoo:

I origanlly have always wanted to get Proverbs 3:5-6 tattooed somewhere, but i thought i would start out a little smaller, because well i cant take a lot of thats a lot for my first time. Then i thought well I love LOVE so i should just get the word love tattooed. I've been thinking about it for a while now and though LOVE has a huge meaning in my life, i want something more specific. So i am going with, HE LOVES US. I am so in love with that song. Ya know the one I'm talking about?

He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane....
ya know that one?

He loves me, and i am so glad that He loves me. So, why not tell everyone i come in contact with that He Loves Us? He loves each and every one of us. So there you have it! Thats what i am getting. He Loves Us. :)  I am so excited!

Now here is what i need friends help in!

Where should i put it?  My two spots that i am thinking is wrist or foot. So what do ya'll think? Which one? Or even throw out a different spot! I want our opinions and very soon please!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

See ya later

Goodbyes are really the hardest thing to do

I have never once said bye to someone and enjoyed saying it.

This has been a year of goodbyes. I've never said goodbye so many times. I made so many wonderful new friends from all over the world. It was great to have them for a season, but i wish God wanted them in my life longer than a season. There is always facebook though right?? Of course. 

Im not done with the goodbyes yet, i just have to remember to say See Ya Later....not goodbye. 
