Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy Bee's!

Well, the title says it all. Busy! All the time. Tj has been working a lot this week, (including today) its been a blessing on the money side, but sad on the "being together side". Aiden and I are heading out on Tues for 3 weeks, so that kinda makes him working a lot even worse. That long away from the hubs again is...well....i dont want to think about it! :/ Its bittersweet. As much as I want to be with my family and friends, I also want my hubby there too. Oh well, hopefully next time. Trips are just so expensive... 
Please keep Aiden and I in your prayers during our flights. Flying can be fun, I used to love it, but with a little (almost) 2 year old that fun...turns into stress. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. I get so tense. So just pray for safety, my nerves, for patience and understanding for both of us. Thanks friends. 

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